Do you gamble being safe?

Shooting The Basketball

"If you decide to shoot, than shoot for the stars."

Session/seminar/Workshop Objectives:
Development and refining of skills/tools to enhance company goals while expositing the growth of the Individual. Facility: Takes place in a Basketball Gymnasium with work-out clothing.

Essence of Session:
Accuracy, Focus, concentration and the art of shooting (completing the play /Individual + team goals achievements)


  1. Integration and putting together the vision and the ball handling with the shooting – the icing on the cake.
  2. The "Boogie Twist" warm up or Different Music that is chosen by the group for the warm up. 60-65% heart rate of burning fat pace. (It depends how popular the music is for the exercise…)
  3. Demonstration : learning and practicing
  4. 3x3 using all individual skills to the best of our abilities
  5. 5x5 Game Using the Techniques practiced but in full court situation.
  6. Team Summary and conclusions meeting

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